1,075 research outputs found

    Smart street lighting system

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    A c, light pole, lamppost, street lamp, light standard or lamp standard is a raised source of light on the edge of a road or path. Street lighting provides a number of important benefits. It can be used to promote security in urban areas and to increase the quality of life by artificially extending the hours in which it is light so that activity can take place. Street lighting also improves safety for drivers, riders, and pedestrians..

    Productivity in private and public food industries of Iran

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    One of Iran’s most important industries is food industries that has a large effect on Iranian economy. The number of public food industries has decreased from 246 units in 1995 to 127 units in 2006. On the other hand the number of private food industries has increased from 1636 units in 1995 to 2077 units in 2006. Due to these changes in ownership this paper examined the labor productivity and total productivity in private and public food industries of Iran in 1995-2006 period. The results show that, unlike the normal theory where the private sector is always better, labor productivity and total factor productivity in public sectors of food industries were higher than private sectors industries over the period. The main responses for this inconsistency are due to higher wages, higher capital per worker and lower women employees in public sector against private sectors of food industries

    A review of effects of gender, age, and education on wage and productivity

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    This paper presents an overview of labour productivity and its relationship with wages. According to the classical and neoclassical economics, the equilibrium wage is determined by the intersection of supply and demand for labour. However, the labour market is shown as peculiar and different from other types of market. Several factors have been indicated to have effect on wages and productivity which have mostly been ignored. Among other, race, gender, age, education, training, firm size and ownership of firms are the important factors. In this research, empirical studies were categorized into three groups, namely gender and productivity, age and productivity, and education and productivity. These empirical studies showed that there was a positive relation between productivity and real wages. For instance, male and female workers and their age have different effects on wages and productivity. Similarly, the wage premium was found to increase with the years of schooling, and higher education was shown to yield higher productivity

    A review of using the force/torque sensor in robotics application

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    Nowadays, force/torque sensors ubiquitous in the robotics field. Most of the robots on the assembly line use a force/torque sensor in a complex assembly process. A force/torque (F/T) sensor is an electronic device designed to track, detect, record, and manage the rotational and linear forces exerted on it. This force/torque sensor, sometimes known as a multi-axis force/torque transducer, six-axis load cell, or F/T sensor. This sensor plays a vital role in the robotic application as it provides force information to make the system more reliable and precise.

    Kesesuaian Isi Kandungan,Masa,Kemudahan Dan Alatan, Dan Kaedah Tunjukcara (Demonstrasi) Dalam Matapelajaran Kemahiran Teknikal Peringkat Menengah Rendah Dari Perspektif Guru-Guru Kemahiran Hidup Di Sekolah Menengah Di Daerah Kluang

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    Kajian ini bertujuan membuat tinjauan terhadap perspektif guru-guru kemahiran teknikal di daerah Kluang mengenai kesesuaian matapelajaran kemahiran teknikal peringkat menengah rendah. Objektif kajian ialah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian sukatan, masa, alatan dan kemudahan dan kaedah pengajaran. Rekabentuk kajian yang dijalankan adalah menggunakan kaedah tinjauan berbentuk deskriptif dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif perbandingan min. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan ialah set soal selidik yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data mengenai empat aspek iaitu kesesuaian sukatan, masa, alatan dan kemudahan dan kaedah pengajaran. Responden terdiri daripada 40 orang guruguru yang mengajar subjek kemahiran teknikal di daerah Kluang yang terlibat secara langsung dengan pengajaran matapelajaran kemahiran teknikal.. Nilai kebolehpercayaan ialah 0.742. Semua data-data yang diperolehi dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS versi 14.0 untuk memperolehi frekuensi, peratus, min dan nilai ujian -t. Hasil kajian mendapati guru-guru kemahiran teknikal mempunyai pandangan yang positif terhadap sukatan,alatan dan kemudahan serta kaedah pengajaran kemahiran teknikal menengah rendah. Walau bagaimanapun aspek masa masih perlu diperbaiki dalam proses mengajar matapelajaran kemahiran teknikal.dengan dapatan purata min 3.65. Berdasarkan ujian –t, tidak terdapat perbezaan kesesuaian isi kandungan, masa yang diperuntukan, kemudahan dan alatan dan kesesuaian, dan kaedah tunjuk cara (demonstrasi) antara jantina guru-guru mata pelajaran kemahiran teknikal peringkat menengah rendah. Namun ia tidak menghalang guru-guru dari terus mengajar matapelajaran ini demi untuk mencapai objektif Falsafah Pendidikan Negara iaitu melahirkan pelajar yang berketrampilan dalam semua bidang

    Effective cross hedging: evidence from physical crude palm oil and its non-interrelated energy futures contracts / Ahmad Danial Zainudin, Noryati Ahmad and Fahmi Abdul Rahim

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    Recent researchers found that Crude Palm Oil Futures contract (FCPO) in Bursa Malaysia Derivatives is no longer an effective hedging tool to mitigate the price risk in cash market due to the excessive speculation trading activities. This is very alarming to the hedgers hence possible hedge pair alternatives to crude palm oil physical must be identified to ensure that the hedging can be executed effectively. Therefore in this study, Ordinary Least Square, bivariate VAR and bivariate VECM were used to examine whether the non-interrelated energy futures contracts could serve as effective cross-hedging mechanisms for the CPO. Weekly data of agricultural and energy futures contracts from Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), and Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) are employed to cross hedge the physical crude palm oil prices. The study starts from 2006 until 2016. Empirical results indicate that bivariate VECM gives more hedging variance reduction. Surprisingly, overall FCPO is still the best futures contract for hedging purposes while Japanese crude oil futures (TOCOM) represents the energy futures market as the best cross hedge alternatives for CPO

    Islamic and Buddhist perspectives on the issues of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT): an analysis

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    The issue of LGBT has been discussed by different experts and scholars from many perspectives and fields of study. However, these perspectives include only those which are considered scientific in nature while religion is always excluded from the discussion. This is due to the influence of secularism which urges the separation between worldly matters and religion. It has caused the process of elimination of religious influence from anything related to human activity and life. The scientific view on LGBT is a mere description without any attempt to derive any moral judgment. Consequently, although the practice of same-sex sexual activity has been proven to be hazardous to the physical and mental health of human beings, the issue is still not being considered as immoral as putting immoral status to it is considered to be immoral in the first place. The view of religion on the issue of LGBT needs to be re-emphasized as it will solve the problems in this matter

    Pengeluaran biodiesel berdasarkan sisa minyak masak: "promosi penubuhan pada industri lestari bersepadu di chip keropok kilang di Batu Pahat"

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    Tujuan projek ini adalah untuk memindahkan ilmu kepada pengeluaran biodiesel daripada sisa minyak .masak kemudian biodiesel yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar untuk menggoreng kerepek. Projek ini bermula dengan menjalankan eksperimen memproses sisa minyak masak kepada biodiesel di makmal. Projek loji perintis ini telah dibina melalui program pemindahan ilmu dengan penyertaan daripada industri kecil dalam proses fabrikasi di Batu Pahat. Prosess biodiesel ini adalah secara betterusan dalam menghasilkan biodiesel untuk kegunaan kilang kerepek. Biodiesel perlu dicampur dengan minyak diesel untuk mendapatkan 65 dan biodiesel gred 610. Penggunaan biodiesel ini membolehkan pihak syarikat menggunakan sisa minyak masak tanpa perlu untuk melupuskan dan ini telah menjimatkan kos kepada syarikat. Selain itu kelebihan lain, ia membantu untuk memelihara alam sekitar dan menggalakkan bumi hijau. Loji perintis biodiesel juga telah mendorong syarikat ke arah pemikiran alam sekitar dan mencari alternative tenaga itu mengekalkan operasi. projek ini juga member; kebaikan kepada pihak universiti dan industri